
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Local News From Wilson Daily Times, Aug. 7, 1918

From the Wilson Daily Times, published August 7, 1918

Child Run Over

We are pleased to learn than Randolph Griffin, 3 ½ years of age, who is related to people in this city, is improving from the accident of Saturday afternoon when he was run over by Mr. C.D. Murray of Rocky Mt., in that city while attempting to cross Church street while pulling an “express wagon.”

The skull of the child was fractured, his collar bone broken and he was badly bruised. He is in one of the Rocky Mount hospitals and hopes are entertained for his recovery.

Mr. Wells Very Sick

We regret to learn that Mr. William Wells of this city and ex-Register of deeds of Wilson county, is quite sick.

Winstead-White Wedding

Miss Gretchen Winstead, the attractive daughter of Mrs. Reb. Winstead of this county, was united in marriage today to Mr. Paul White of Reidsville at the parsonage of the Methodist church by Rev. W.A. Stanbury at 11:30 o’clock today. They left immediately after the ceremony for the home of the groom, where they will make their residence.

Woodard-Batts Wedding

Miss Mary Gray Woodard, a very attractive young lady of this county, was married Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock about two miles from this city to Mr. Graham Batts, a popular merchant of Wilson by Mr. Kester of the Baptist church of this city.

Mr. Sugg Cotton Weigher

The joint county and city board of commissioners have elected Mr. T.B. Sugg cotton weigher for Wilson county in place of Mr. John Pearce, who has filled that position several years very creditably and resigned to accept a position with the Imperial Tobacco Company.

Will Be Operated On

Mr. D.A. Batts will leave for Richmond the last of this week for an operation.

Operated On for Appendicitis

Miss Annie Kate Mumford was operated on for appendicitis at a local hospital yesterday afternoon and is getting on nicely.

Troop Trains of Colored People

Three troop trains of colored people passed through Wilson yesterday.

Fixing the Streets

Mr. Robert Wilkins is fixing the streets connecting with the roads of the township and is making a good job. The street to the country club has been finished and now the hands are working on the Saratoga road.

Dance at Rocky Mount

The Wilson people are cordially invited to a dance at Rocky Mount at the Farmers warehouse Thursday night of this week, July the 8th, there will be good music. The dancing young people of Wilson are especially invited.

Purely Personal

Mrs. W.E. Massenburg left this morning for Henderson to spend a few days.

Mr. Ronald Finch left today for Chadbourn.

Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Clark have returned from Mullins, S.C., where they spent several days.

Mr. Geo. Tatum and family have returned from Sampson, Duplin, where he visited relatives. He reports crops as good and as having a fine time.

We are pleased to learn that Mr. J.F. Hatcher, who is in Baltimore for treatment, is improving.

Miss Sophia P. Busbee left last night to spend her vacation with relatives in Washington, D.C.

Misses Marion Hines and Alice Harvey Herring of Rocky Mount are the guests of EMiss Eliza Carr.

Mrs. H.W. Abbitt and children Margaret and Jean left today for Appomattox and Lynchburg, Va., the home of Mr. Abbitt. They took the trip in their car.

Mr. Graham Brown of Crew, Va., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Asa Bishop.

Mrs. Chas. Gay and children have returned from Morehead City.

Mrs. E.S. Toney and daughter, Miss Myrtle, left this morning for Norfolk to visit relatives.

Miss Mary Hunter Deans has returned from Weldon where she visited relatives and friends.

Mrs. Selby Anderson and Daughter Louise Bateman have returned from Henderson and Asheville.

Miss Hildah Slaughter of Goldsboro is visiting Mrs. W.A. Goodson at Mrs. J.C. Hales.

Mr. Roger Dickens has accepted a position with Monk & Co. of Farmville, who have opened a tobacco storage house in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Lick and baby Annie Howard of Gastonia arrived in the city today to visit Mrs. Lick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Ellis.

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