
Monday, August 6, 2018

If Only North Carolina Could Kill 50,000 Dogs Before Saturday Night, 1910

From the editorial page of the Henderson Gold Leaf, Thursday, August 25, 1910, by Thad R. Manning. Can you imagine the uproar of someone suggested this today? But in 1910 there was no rabies vaccine for dogs.

The town of Thomasville is engaged in a warfare with its dogs. It is a righteous crusade and its example ought to be followed by many other towns. North Carolina would be a safer and pleasanter place to live if it would bury 50,000 dogs before Saturday night. – Thomasville Charity and Children

A truth fitly spoken but no such action as getting rid of the worthless dogs and lessening the menace of hydrophobia is likely to be taken. The law makers are afraid to tackle the dog question.

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