
Saturday, September 8, 2018

If I Die Here, Just Say an American Soldier and a Soldier of God Is Gone, 1918

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Sept. 7, 1918

The following is from a Middlesex, N.C., soldier boy to his sister, Mrs. J.C. Brantley, Zebulon, N.C.
Dear Sister:
I will answer your letter which I received today. You know I was glad to hear from you all. I received seven the same day I received yours. They were the first I have had since I have been over here. I thought one time I was not going to get any mail. But it is owing to what ship it gets on. It takes about a month and four days for the mail to come. The boat has certain times to go across. Will tell you how I was sailing. It took 17 days to cross over. That is riding awhile on water.
Say mother, you know I have been up to the front line trenches and stayed six days. I am out now safely and don’t know when we will go back but I don’t think it will be long. But I hope I will have the good luck to come back again. We go in a while and then go out for a while. If I go up there and don’t come back I know they all can say, and also my people at home, that an American soldier is gone, but I am a soldier of the U.S.A. and I think I am a soldier of God. That is the main thing in all. Don’t you say yes? I know you do.
I feel like I have been relieved of some of my troubles. It seems God has forgiven my sin. I feel that way about; I only trust in Him to be with me in this great war work, I think He will. I believe he is with all of us in this great war, that is why I believe we are going to win the victory some day.
I would like to see you all. I could tell you a lot in a short while. It would sound almost untrue to you. I can’t tell much, am not allowed to write very much about this work. Hope some day I can tell you all about this great war.
Well, I did not aim to preach in my letter, but I guess you think so.
Will close by saying write to me soon. Tell Jonah I said hello, and all the children. Tell Delma and Iva to write me a long letter. So good bye.
From your brother,
W.A. Jordan

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