
Thursday, September 13, 2018

L.C. Williams, Former Ahoskie Mayor, Is Doing Trench Duty, 1918

“L.C. Williams Is Doing Trench Duty,” from the Hertford County Herald, Sept. 13, 1918

A letter received this week from Luther C. Williams, formerly an attorney and mayor of this town at the time of his entrance into the service, states that he has already been engaged in warfare in the latter day “trenches.” He describes his feelings as one of mixed emotions, and hardly knows what he thinks of modern warfare. However, he gives glowing praise to the American heroes who are under Pershing in France and states that he is glad to be a part of this fighting machine, which is now grooming to sound the death knell for Germany and Prussianism.

In this communication, Sergeant-Major Williams also speaks in warm terms of the great and noble wok that is and has been done by the American Red Cross workers. He says that one never knows that they are really doing for the boys until one has been there and seen the workers on the fields administering to the wounded and caring for the wants of those who are doing the fighting. And he calls on the women at home to continue their work and multiply what they have already done.

Many other Ahoskie boys and boys in the neighborhood have been in the trenches and have experienced some of the thrills of warfare. The Herald would be glad to receive pictures of the boys who are over there and arrange to give space in the paper to every Hertford county boy who is over there.

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