
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ledwell, Doty, Driver, Allred, Mitchell Deaths on Sept., 27 Casualty List

“Casualty List Gives 604 Names,” from The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Sept. 27, 1918

Washington, Sept. 27—North Carolina contributes 10 names of the list of 604 casualties released by the War Department today.

Killed in Action

Sergeant Harvey M. Ledwell of Randleman
Private John S. Doty of Clemmons
Private Carl Driver of Raleigh

Died of Disease

Private George W. Allred of Franklinville

Died from Accident

T.H. Mitchell of Lillington

Wounded Severely

Sergeant Raleigh R. Wall of Henrietta
Corporal Wm. Fred Ballard of Alexia
Private Lawson T. Munday of Taylorsville
Private Robert E. Paris of Winston-Salem
Private Joseph D. Porter of North Wilkesboro

The total list shows that 171 were killed in action; 126 missing in action; 146 wounded severely; 119 died of wounds, 21 died of disease, 12 died of accident, 1 died in an aeroplane accident, 3 wounded to a degree undetermined, and 5 wounded slightly.

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