
Saturday, September 15, 2018

'Local Intelligence' From Roanoke News, 1918

“Local Intelligence,” from the Roanoke News, September 16, 1918

Cotton on the light lands is opening. Cotton picking will soon be the order of the day.
In the future, every night at 9 o’clock, the lights will be turned off, and everybody in town is earnestly requested to stop and utter a prayer for our soldier boys, who are fighting the battles of righteousness “over there.” The lights will remain off only two minutes, but during that time Don’t Forget to Pray.
Some people are too independent to take a hint.
Mr. C.H. Hale of Halifax was in town last Friday.
The cup that cheers the honey bee is the buttercup.
Mr. Louis Daniel left Tuesday for A. & E. College.
People who blame others are likely to praise themselves.
Mr. J.W. Cornett of Halifax called in to see us Monday.
Mr. Fred Bounds has returned to Bingham school, Asheville.
Miss Katie Parsons of Salisbury, Md., is visiting relatives in town.
By his own conduct every man in the world fixes his own value.
Mr. T.C. Williams of Essex paid us a pleasant visit last Saturday.
Mr. James Johnson left last week for Bingham school, Asheville.
Mr. John Shearin of Camp Meade, Md., spent the week end in town.
It isn’t always safe to tell a girl that you admire her blooming cheek.
Mr. B.D. Crawley of Halifax was a welcome visitor to our office last Monday.
Mr. W.L. Cook was in to see us Saturday. We are always glad to see our farmer friends.
Misses Mary Anderson and Elizabeth Stedman of Halifax spent the week-end in Richmond.
If a man could get credit for his good intentions money would be no object.
Mrs. M.N. Austin of Norfolk, who has been visiting relatives here, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Narcissa Daniel left last week for Richmond, Va., where she entered West Hampton College.
The old man can’t go to the trenches but he can fight in the army at home.
Miss Kate Daniel and little Miss Lillian Gray have returned home from a visit to relative in City Point, Va.
Miss Louise Farrow of Durham, who has been visiting relatives in South Weldon, has returned home.
A man never realizes how high a fence he can jump until he is badly scared.
Misses Florence Allen and Margaret Pierce left Tuesday for Winston-Salem where they entered Salem College.
Mrs. William Mercer Cohen left for Greensboro Monday where she goes to take a special course at the State Normal College.
Mrs. Malcolm Anderson and children of Speed spent a few days in town last week with Mrs. and Mrs. R.D. Anderson.
A man can make his wife believe almost anything—during his courtship.
Rev. and Mrs. F.M. Shamburger, who have been visiting relatives in Oxford for the past two weeks, have returned home.
Mrs. J.L. Ramsay and children of Washington, D.C., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D.R. Anderson, have returned home.
Every time you wrong your neighbor you harm yourself.
Mr. J.B. Tilghman after an absence from his old position of 20 years, has accepted a position as clerk in the freight office of the Seaboard Air Line.
Miss Jennie Tilghman has returned home from Petersburg and has accepted a positon as cashier at the Weldon Bank and Trust Company. We gladly welcome her back to the old home town.
The Quankey Red Cross Auxiliary brought to town last Friday and had on sale in the park lots of good country produce. The people soon gather around and bought everything in sight at a high market price. The Red Cross sale netted $85.
Mrs. W.L. Harris announces the marriage of her daughter, Edith Louise, to Mr. Charles McLean Hodgin on Thursday, September 12th, Myrtle Lawn, Enfield, North Carolina.
The time has arrived in this country when the unpatriotic citizen is not going to find thigns so smooth for his class. We class the man with the automobile who on Sunday disregards the wishes of the fuel administrator and drives his machine around for pleasure, as one not possessing the spirit that it takes to win the war. For the last three Sundays we have noticed very few machines on the streeets of Weldon.
The Red Cross has on hand at the work room 180 operating gowns to the made, and it is desired that as many ladies as possible will come and help sew. These garments must be made in record time, and this is an invitation for you to come and make as many as you can.
Be very careful how you let remarks fall—they may hurt a friend.

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