
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Military News from the Hickory Daily Record, 1918

Military News from the Hickory Daily Record, Sept. 21, 1918

Funeral of a Soldier
The funeral of William Andrew Bolick, who died at Camp Hancock, Ga., of poison transmitted by is shaving brush, was held from Old St. Paul’s Lutheran church, north of Newton, last Saturday and was conducted by Rev. J.E. Barb in the presence of a large company. The young man was married last March and his wife was on a visit to him when he became ill and died in a few days. Mrs. F.M. Williams of Newton attended the funeral, made an address and placed flower son the grave. She urged the young people especially to see that the grave was well cared for.
Harold Shuford Wounded in France
Writing cheerfully of his wound received some time before his letter was written on August 25, Private Harold Shuford of the 10th field artillery, gives his parents the first news of his injury, which must have been received in the Chateau Thierry fighting. Mr. Shuford had written his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Shuford, earlier of the wound, but this letter has not been received.
In the letter of August 25 the young man does not go into details, naturally thingking his people are advised of the nature of his wounds.
His letter was cheerful in every respect. He is in a Catholic hospital at Lyons, France, is attended by a leading French surgeon, and waited upon by Catholic sisters. Nothing that he could demand is wanting, he said. There were times at the front, Mr. Shuford writes, when he thought nothing was better than a chance to sleep in a bed. He has had rather too much bed now, and those two blankets and the ground would be welcomed. He was getting along all right.
A Boston paper of last Sunday sent here by Mr. R.H. Shuford, with the marines, gives an entertaining article on the wounded men in a hospital there. A member of the 10th field artillery which was recruited from Detroit, is in the hospital and he tells of the severe fighting. All these wounded men were cheerful, too, and the writer says Americans should visit these places to learn what pluck is.
Otis Lael Writes from Overseas
Private Otis C. Lael, Co. I, 324 Infantry, has just arrived in France, or rather has been there long enough to write a letter, which was dated August 25 and received by his mother, Mrs. Mary G. Lael, this week. France suits Otis all right, but the language the people speak is a little difficult, he is bound to admit. He is stationed far to the rear, but hears good news from the front, and doubts if he will ever have a shot at the enemy. He was well, happy and observing with his eyes wide open, and is not overlooking any of the fine country.
Arrives Overseas
Miss Minnie Berry received a letter this morning from her brother, Benjamin B. Berry with Co. B, 306th engineers, A.E.F., France, saying he had arrived safely, was well and enjoying the beautiful country. All the people treated the Americans well. The only trouble he had was trying to speak French and would tell us great things when he arrived back in the old U.S.A.
Letter from Lt. Carr
Mrs. Earl N. Carr received a letter this morning from her husband, Lt. Earl N. Carr, stating that he was well and getting along splendidly.
Rev. Garth to Remain in U.S. for Now
Rev. J.G. Garth will not be assigned to work in France with the Y.M.C.A. for the present and his friends sincerely regret that this is the case. He had anticipated his new work with much pleasure, his mind was open to receive impressions and he and the soldiers would have derived tremendous benefit from his experience. Mr. Garth, however, will do work in American camps ad it is likely that he will be permitted to go across in the near future.
Men of Foreign Races Are Cited for Bravery
It is instructive to read the names of soldiers of foreign birth or extraction which are appearing from time to time on the lists of those cited for distinguished service.
Of the 35 odd men recently mentioned in American official communique No. 113, at least bearn names which reveal an extraction other than Anglo-Saxon. These names are Hahn, Christman, Jankowski, Hartman, Costianes, Gardello, Tobin, Kuehlman, Shaminski and Kaufman.
And these men have displayed conspicuous bravery. The records of two of them will suffice to prove that they have shown the kind of gallantry which is supposed to be an attribute to the real American, no matter what his race or native land may be.
Of Private Shaminski, the communique says: “Having entered a cellar to install his telephone, he was attacked by 11 of the enemy, of whom he killed 2 and took 9 prisoner, single-handed.”
Of Second Lieut. Kuehlman, engineers, it is said that he was sent at night to make a reconnaissance of all possible means of crossing the river Vesle near Fismes, France. It had been reported that the Germans had all retreated from the south bank of the river, but he found that such was not the case. They were there in force. Nevertheless, such was his bravery and determination that he crossed into and through German lines and made a full reconnaissance and returned with his report.”

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