
Friday, September 7, 2018

Send Students for All 9 Months, Not Just 5 or 6 Months, Says J.T. Alderman, Sept. 7, 1905

“Opening of Henderson Graded Schools Monday, September 11th, 1905” by J.T. Alderman, Superintendent, from The Gold Leaf, Thursday, Sept. 7, 1905.

It is very important that all pupils be present at the opening of the term. Lost time at the beginning will affect the progress and thoroughness of the pupil’s recitations and examinations during the whole year. The pupil will be discouraged and the teacher will be hampered from the disjointed conditions which will necessarily exist if part of the lessons and teaching have been passed over before the pupil enters the classes. Pupils cannot as a rule do the work of a nine months’ term in five or six months. Promotions depend upon efficiency and not upon the closing of the school year.
The schools will be opened in the old buildings. We will move into the new buildings as soon as they are completed.

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