
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Spanish Flu Comes to Hickory; Quarantine Established, Sept. 30, 1918

“Spanish Influenza Reported in Hickory,” from the Hickory Daily Record, Sept. 30, 1918

Fifteen cases of Spanish influenza, some of them bad ones, were reported in Hickory up to noon today and Chief Lentz has been busy placing placards quarantining the cases. City Manager Ballew today wired Dr. W.S. Rankin, secretary of the state board of health, and asked for instructions.
In the meantime the physicians are treating the cases here and it is not believed that they will prove serious.

Mayor Yount today inaugurated a quarantine against several places where the disease is known to exist, and his notice follows:

Notice of Quarantine

On account of the prevalence of Spanish Influenza at some of the camps and public works and in order to aid the authorities to suppress it, notice is hereby given that the City of Hickory has established a quarantine against the camps and public works located at and near Goldsboro, Wilmington, Raleigh, Norfolk, and person who have been at these places and other places where the disease is prevalent will ot be permitted to stop over in Hickory until the quarantine is raised, and persons who are now victims of it or who have been exposed to the disease and have returned home will be required to remain on their premises until released by the physician in charge of the city or county physician.

   This Sept. 30, 1918
   M.H. Yount, Mayor

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