
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Today's Casualty List, Sept. 2, 1918

“Today’s Casualty List” from the Hickory Daily Record, Sept. 2, 1918

Washington, Sept. 2—The section of the army casualty list today shows:
Killed in action, 37
Missing in action, 54
Wounded severely, 117
Died of wounds, 13
Wounded, degree undetermined, 90
Died of disease, 6
Prisoner, 1
Total, 318
The list includes the following from North Carolina:
Killed In Action
Private J. Leslie Stillman (Seilman?) of Andrews
Private Bidwell Loftin of Long Shouls
Paul Stallings of Belvidere
Wounded Severely
Clarence Digh of Bostic, Route 1
Eugene W. Strayhorn of University
Wounded, Degree Undetermined
Private Malcolm Landon McIver of Jonesboro, Route 2
On Sunday, Private Stephen H. Cartwright of Fairfield was reported wounded severely.
The marine corps casualty list to date numbers 2, 994. Of these 37 officers were killed, 60 wounded and 1 missing; 871 enlisted men killed, 1,892 wounded, 10 in hands of enemy, and 123 missing.

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