
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

150 Sick with Flu in Richmond County; 10,000 in State, 1918

“Influenza,” the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, October 3, 1918

150 Cases Already in Richmond County. . . 10,000 Cases in the State

The Nation is in the grip of an epidemic of grippe, or Spanish influenza. In North Carolina alone the number of cases is estimated at 10,000.

At Camp Lee are 6,000 cases, Wilmington, 2,000; the number of cases said to be in Hamlet is 25, and so far in Rockingham 6; in several of the mill villages and farming communities of the county are no less than 100 cases. And it is spreading rapidly.

The disease started in Spain in May, affecting 30 per cent of the population. It is unusually contagious. The hope of the country is that it will exhaust its supply before its dread ally, pneumonia, arrives in force in the winter months. The terrible danger of the malady is pneumonia. If you have aching, high temperature, and sore throat, you may be pretty sure you have influenza. Go to bed at once and stay there until you are well, until your temperature has been normal at least two days.
The Board of Health urges the people not to congregate, to keep out of crowds, not to spit, and if you cough or sneeze do so in your handkerchief; the germs are carried that way. Also, to avoid using the common dipper, carelessly washed glasses at soda fountains, etc.

But above all else, at the very first intimation that you have the malady, GO TO BED and STAY THERE UNTIL WELL! Otherwise you are likely to have pneumonia.

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