
Thursday, October 18, 2018

After 1,500 Cases, Flu Epidemic Now Under Control in Roanoke Rapids, 1918

“Influenza Epidemic Now Under Control,” from the Roanoke Rapids Herald, Oct. 18, 1918

According to statements of physicians in this community, the Spanish influenza epidemic is now almost a thing of the past. As shown by statements below, the danger mark has been passed, only six new cases reported for Thursday. Out of possibly 1,500 cases in the community at large only about 12 deaths have occurred—a remarkable record for this deadly disease and a high compliment to our medical men.

Dear Sir:
In reply to your request for information relative to the influenza epidemic in Roanoke Rapids I beg to state that there have been approximately 400 cases. Out of this number there have been six pneumonia cases, three of whom are out of danger.

There are at present approximately 60 people in bed and there are occurring still, about three to five cases daily. I consider that we are well past the worst stage of the epidemic. Another two weeks, in my opinion, it will be a thing of the past.
Respectfully Yours,
T.W.M. Long, M.D., Health Officer

Replying to your request for statement of epidemic conditions in Rosemary, I beg to state that we have had about 800 cases; there have been eight deaths. At present there are four cases of pneumonia, all but one of which are improving, about 70% of the people who have had the Spanish Influenza are well and the others are rapidly improving. We have seen only four new cases to-day and think we are well past the crisis of the epidemic.
F.G. Jarman, M.D.

Patterson Mills Village
Replying to your request for a statement of the present conditions, Influenza epidemic in Patterson Mills Village will say that I consider them steadily improving, we have had between 275 and 200 cases, and only one has developed into pneumonia, and only one death which was the results of a complication of acute Brights and pneumonia. No new cases have been reported to-day.
Yours Very Truly,
J.W. Martin, M.D.

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