
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Alamance County Board of Health Passes Additional Rules to Prevent Spread of Flu, 1918

“lnfluenza,” from The Alamance Gleaner, Oct. 31, 1918

Additional Rules and Regulations

The County Board of Health, in session October 28, 1918, all members present, passed the following:

Because of the continued increase of the epidemic Influenza in certain sections of Alamance County, all public gatherings, whether held indoors or out, such as public sales, public speakings, picnics, and similar gatherings, be prohibited until November 30th, unless this regulation be sooner repealed.

That all persons, save those entertaining to act as nurses, or upon errands of mercy or necessity, are prohibited from going in and out of houses other than their own, where cases of influenza exist.

That all persons that have had influenza are prohibited from leaving their homes and houses until such time as attending physicians shall pronounce it safe for them to do so.

That all persons violating the above regulations are subject to the penalties provided by law for violating any rule promulgated by the County Board of Health.

Members of Board: W.K. Holt, Heenan Hughes, P.H. Fleming, Dr. W.E. Walker, Dr. J.A. Pickett.
--W.K. Holt, Chm’n
--P.H. Fleming, Sec’y

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