
Monday, October 8, 2018

Deaths from Flu, the War, Diphtheria, Oct. 7, 1918

“Scales Stephens Passes,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Oct. 7, 1918

Scales Stephens First Victim of Influenza in Lumberton

Mr. S.S. Stephens died at his home, West Fourth street, Friday night, the first to die in Lumberton of Spanish influenza. He had been in ill health for several years and no doubt his weakened condition before he was stricken with influenza was largely responsible for his death. Interment was made Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock in Meadowbrook cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. W.D. Combs, pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle. Beautiful floral offerings covered the grave. The pallbearers were Messrs. E.B. Freeman, Frank Gough, R.O. Edmund, E.G. Sipher, Vance Skipper, and Dr. R.T. Allen.

Deceased was 30 years old and is survived by his wife and one brother, Mr. J. Pope Stephens of Lumberton. He was a member of the First Baptist church and belonged to the Lumberton camp W.O.W. He was of a quiet and unassuming disposition, and his friend were numbered by his acquaintances.

Mrs. T.G. Bullard of Wilmington

Mrs. A.H. Prevatt of Lumberton has been advised of the death at Wilmington Saturday of her sister Mrs T.G. Bullard. Deceased was a victim of influenza. Mrs. Bullard was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Ivey of Parkton and had only been married a few months. Interment was made at Fayetteville yesterday.

Capt. Warren Townsend Died of Wounds

Mr. C.B. Townsend received yesterday a telegram to the effect that Capt. Warren Townsend, so of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Townsend of Hot Springs, Ark., died from wounds received at the front in France September 13. Capt. Townsend was a nephew of Messrs. C.B. and L.T. Townsend and Mrs. S.A. McLeod of Lumberton and had numerous other relatives here and elsewhere in Robeson. His father is a native Robesonian.

Remains Brought Home for Burial

The remains of Ellis Hardin, Indian, whose death at Camp Sevier, S.C., last week of influenza was mentioned in Thursday’s Robesonian, arrived here Saturday and were interred at the family burying ground.

Mr. Oliver Williams Victim of Influenza

Mr. Oliver W Williams, aged about 34 years, died at his home, Cedar street, at 1 o’clock this afternoon. Death resulted from Spanish influenza, the deceased having contracted the disease in Virginia. He is survived by his wife and one child.

Mrs. Frank Herring of Barnesville

Mrs. Frank Herring, aged 21 years, died yesterday morning at her home near Barnesville. Death resulted from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. She is survived by her husband and three children. Interment was made this morning.

James Edwin Brisson of East Lumberton

James Edwin, aged about 9 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brisson of East Lumberton, died this morning of influenza.

Anza May Willoughby of Rt. 4

Anza May, 11-year-old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R.A. Willoughby of Rt. 4 from Lumberton, died last night of diphtheria.

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