
Monday, October 15, 2018

E. Cull Griffin Dies of Influenza-Pneumonia, 1918

“Mr. E. Cull Griffin Dies of Influenza-Pneumonia,” from The Monroe Journal, Oct. 15, 1918

Well-Known Native of Union County Dies at Hamlet Where He Was in the Mercantile Business

Mr. E. Cull Griffin, son of Mr. Henry Griffin of Monroe township, and known over Union county, died at Hamlet where he had been running a dry goods store with Mr. Carl Benton for the past 18 months, Friday night following a week’s illness. Death resulted from pneumonia following influenza.
The remains were brought to Monroe Saturday and funeral services and interment were at the Monroe cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. John A. Wray.

Before going to Hamlet Mr. Griffin was a member of the firm of Hamilton & Griffin here. About 18 months ago he and Mr. Carl Benton went to Hamlet to engage in business and were making a fine success.

The deceased is survived by his wife, who was Miss Lydia Benton, a daughter of Mr. J.H. Benton, and two small children, his father, Mr. Henry Griffin, who is ill with influenza; three brothers and two sisters. The brothers are Messrs. Wilson Griffin of Monroe township, Evander Griffin of Hamlet and Needham Griffin of Camp Jackson. The sisters are Misses Wilma and Lilly Griffin, who make their home with their father.

Mr. Griffin was about 34 years of age and was a man of sterling qualities of character. He was honest and upright in his dealings with all, and his fine traits of character won for him many friends to whom the news of his death came as a shock. Mr. Griffin was a member of the Baptist church.

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