
Friday, October 26, 2018

Editor Praises Scotland Neck Volunteers Working So Hard During Epidemic, Oct. 26, 1918

From the editorial page of The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Saturday, Oct. 26, 1918

 Influenza Epidemic

The scourge now appears under control, but we have had a thorough siege of a mighty peril, and we, as a community, should be very thankful that we have escaped a greater catastrophe.

The people as a whole are to be congratulated that they came forward so generously with contributions that enabled the establishment of the temporary hospital, which probably saved the day for it took away from the homes the dangerous cases and gave to those who were left at their homes more air and ventilation that is so essential for the proper treatment and cure of the disease.

Too much cannot be said of the wonderful and self-sacrificing work of the women who volunteered to nurse the sick. They fought a battle as surely as do those on the firing front, and they accepted the work with enthusiasm and without regard for their own health.

The ladies of the several committees who made possible the quick and thorough organization of the hospital have also done a fine work which should not be soon forgotten, and those who have daily provided soup for the sick are entitled to the sincere thanks of the community.

Please Be Patient

We are compelled to ask the indulgence of our readers in the scanty paper that will be issued for a few days, due entirely to the fact that our force is but now recovering from the influenza and hardly strong enough to be at work. We shall have much to say about the wonderful work that has been accomplished during the past ten days, but that will have to wait until our boys can set it up.

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