
Monday, October 22, 2018

Flu Situation Acute in Many States, Still Spreading in North Carolina, Oct. 22, 1918

“The Influenza Situation Acute,” from The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Oct. 22, 1918

Reported to be Spreading in This State and Virginia, Decreasing in Army

Washington, Oct. 22—Improvement in the influenza situation in six States was shown by reports received by the public health services but 27 other States reported the disease still spreading. 

Conditions apparently were worse in Pennsylvania, where it is estimated 350,000 cases have occurred with probably 150,000 in Philadelphia. For the first 18 days of October 14,805 deaths were reported in the State.

In army camps a slight increase in both influenza and pneumonia cases were reported Sunday, but a decrease was shown yesterday with 3,071 influenza cases and 768 pneumonia cases, the lowest figures reported since the epidemic became general in the camps. For the 48 hours ending yesterday at noon, new influenza cases totaled 6,666, pneumonia 2,079, and deaths 919.

These figures brought the total of influenza cases since September 13 to 290,447; pneumonia cases to 46,055; and deaths from all causes to 15,072.

States reported improved conditions yesterday to the public health service included South Carolina and Tennessee.

Many new cases were reported in North Carolina and Virginia.

Richmond, Va., Oct. 22—The influenza epidemic has reached its crest here, according to a statement issued by the health department last night. During the day but 13 deaths were reported and 112 new cases. The total cases since October 1 are recorded as 9,151, with the death list of 377.

Reports from Public Health Service agents sent to aid the State in its fight say the epidemic is still raging, especially in the southwest portion.

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