
Monday, October 15, 2018

Letters from Troy Braswell in France to His Mother, 1918

“From Troy Braswell to His Mother,” from The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Oct. 15, 1918

Somewhere in France

My Dear Mother:

Will take the greatest of pleasure in writing you just a few lines.

How are you all getting along? Fine I truly hope.

Received a letter from you that was sent to Camp Mills, and you may bet your life I was glad to get it, and Wiley has an auto, well, that is good for he sure wanted one bad enough but I am afraid he will regret it for they are very expensive, but nevertheless he should worry.

Guess what we had for dinner today. Best of all was the biscuits. I mean them good old fashioned biscuits and you may bet your life I enjoyed them along with some steak and bacon. Wish every day was Sunday, ha, ha.

We have had quite a bit of excitement around here this morning. A French soldier came in from the front with a captured rifle, pistol and shrapnel or bomb, and as it was our first to see, of course we all had to make a thorough inspection of it and he talked like he was sure this war would be over by Christmas.

Somewhere in France
Aug. 8

My Dear Mother:

Wish it was so I could be with you today but am in hopes it won’t be very long before I can.

How are you all today fine I truly hope. I am O.K.

Have Paul and Edgar left camp for over here yet? If so what Division are they with and what Co.

We can get tobacco over here at the Y. and cigarettes, so you may know I am all O.K., but haven’t smoked all the cigarettes you all sent me yet.

Saw in the paper today where the allies were still capturing men and villages and of course that sound good to all of us.

Did you receive the pictures all right that were sent to you from Camp Miller?

Mother you sure ought to see the way they drive two horses to a cart. They have nothing but carts over here and they hitch one horse in front of the other and they have several other ways that look just as foolish; wish you could see it. I know you would laugh at it just as we did.

Well, I have just got back from supper, will try to finish this note, and also the French people that we stay with are gone off for a few days visit. What a great relief, ha, ha!

Saw Ely, said tell you he was all O.K. and eating three meals a day. We are all O.K. so far, so please don’t worry about any of us any more than you can help and take care of yourself and remember I will be back with you some time soon.

Tell Bessie and Lee to be good boys for I am thinking of them and you all the time and wish I could be with you all, but since such is impossible do the best you can and I hope that is real good.

Will bid you all good night and may God bless you all for ever. With best wishes, I am, your son,

Troy L. Braswell
Mobile Vet. Sec., 306 Tr. Headquarters and M.P., A.E.F., Via N.Y.

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