
Monday, October 8, 2018

Pvt. Geoffrey Winkler of Boone Dies at Camp Jackson, 1918

“Private Geoffrey Winkler Dies at Camp Jackson,” from the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 9, 1918

The many friends in Hickory of Mrs. Leila Winkler of Boone will be pained to know of the death of her son, Private Geoffrey Winkler of Camp Jackson, S.C. Private Winkler had only been at Camp Jackson about a month or six weeks, and had been sick since he first reached camp. He first contracted mumps, then in his weakened condition fell a victim to Spanish influenza and pneumonia, death resulting Monday night at the base hospital.

Private Winkler was a splendid type of young manhood when he left his home for Camp Jackson. He was about six feet in height, broad shoulders and a fine soldier in every way. He had visited Hickory a number of times, being the nephew of Mr. Douglas B. Taylor and the grandson of Mrs. R.E. Taylor, and had a number of friends here. Private Winkler was 21 years of age at the time of his death, though he appeared to be several years older, as he was such a fine physique and typical in every way of the strong young mountaineer.

He was born and reared at Boone, and was the third son of Mrs. Leila Winkler, his father having died when he was quite small. Besides his mother, he is survived by three brothers, Messrs. Walter and Robert Winkler of Boone, and Fred Winkler, who is now in France serving his country; also two sisters, Mrs. Zebulon Farthing and Miss Sara Winkler of Boone.

The bereaved family has the sympathy of a host of friends in Hickory and this vicinity.

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