
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Six More Williamston Families Lose Loved Ones Due to Flu, 1918

From The Enterprise, Williamston, Martin County, N.C., October 18, 1918

Mrs. Harrison Dead

Mrs. Amanda Harrison died at her home Oct. 18th after a short illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Harrison was the daughter of the late Robert White and was born Jan. 1st, 1874. She married Joseph R. Harrison Nov. 30th, 18?2 and leaves her husband and seven children to mourn her loss.
The oldest son, Norman Harrison, now being in France, and the oldest daughter, Mrs. Jno. W. Pea?? Living in Martin County, all the others living with the parent. Mrs. Harrison leaves two brothers, Messrs. J.R. and Slade White.

A faithful wife, mother and sister gone. She was buried in the family grave yard at Mr. M.L. Taylor's Thursday.

Mr. Stallings Dead

Mr. W. Herbert Stallings of Jamesville succumbed to influenza and pneumonia. He had only been sick and few days and died on Sunday night. Mr. Stallings was about 35 years old and one of Jamesville’s most progressive citizens. He leaves a wife and brother to grieve him.

Mrs. Phelps Dead

Mrs. Estelle Phelps died Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. She had been sick just a week with influenza which developed into pneumonia. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Bunch and married Mr. M.S. Phelps of Mackeys, N.C., in February. Mrs. Phelps was 22 years old and leaves a grieving husband, mother, father, one sister, Mrs. Robert Gurganus, and two brothers, Linwood Bunch of Williamston and Geo. Bunch who is now on the battlefields in France.

Wynn Child Dead

Little Sallie Bet Wynn, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynne, died of influenza and pneumonia on Monday, Oct. 14th. She was only 14 years old and was a most dutiful and lovable child. Rev. J.F. Carter conducted the burial service and interment was made in the country in the family burying ground. Many wreaths of beautiful flowers covered the little mound.

Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents.

Deaths in Williams Township

Mr. J. Robert Cherry of Williams Township died with pneumonia resulting from influenza on Oct. 12th. He leaves a wife and several little children to miss a tender husband and father’s love.

Mr. Reuben Robertson died Wednesday after a short illness of influenza and pneumonia. He was 40 years old and leaves a wife and eight children.

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