
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Spanish Influenza Now Epidemic In Every State, 1918

“Influenza Now Rages Over Whole Country,” from the Mount Airy News, Oct. 17, 1918

Washington, Oct. 15—Spanish influenza now has reached epidemic proportions in practically every state in the country and in only three has it been reported as stationary with some improvement in the situation in Massachusetts. In spite of all efforts by federal, state and local authorities, the disease has spread rapidly and the death toll has been high in most parts of the nation.

In army camps the epidemic is subsiding, a further decrease in the number of new cases being noted today in the office of the surgeon general of the army. The total of cases reported was 6,439, a decrease of 773 from yesterday. Pneumonia cases were 1,918 against 2,523 the day before, but the number of deaths increased, being 889 against 718 yesterday.

Reports made public tonight by the public health service show that outside of Massachusetts, the epidemic is severe through New England. Not a single state east of the Mississippi is clear of the disease and in most of the coast states, from Maine to Florida, conditions are serious.

In war-crowded District of Columbia, the epidemic continues unabated. As a further precautionary measure, the treasury and interior departments issued orders that no new employes of those departments be brought to Washington until further notice. Similar action is expected by other government departments which still are in need of additional help.

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