
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Tribute to Dr. John Sidney Harrison, 1918

“A Beautiful Tribute to His Friend” from D.E.G. Moore to Dr. Harrison Who Was Recently Called to His Reward, from The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Oct. 14, 1918

My friend and your friend, John Sidney Harrison died yesterday morning at the meridian of his life, a martyr to his profession and a slave to his patrons.

Words less strong that these would not convey the fullness of the deeds he performed, nor the arduous labors he wrought nor the sacrificial life he gave as an agency of ministration to those whom he saved.

For 14 years he lived and moved among you as one of the choicer spirits for benefaction and good; and no spoken words nor written eulogy of mien are needful to convince you that he was born of heroic mold and carried within his breast the burnished character of true manliness and a heart of pure gold.

I regard his passing away as nothing less than a calamity to this neighborhood and these people whom he served with a fidelity seldom equaled and never excelled; and I fear will be long, long years before the like of him will be seen in your midst again.

Constant in service, faithful to duty, unmindful of his own physical comfort or personal pleasure, he toiled during the heat of day and amid the shadows of night, and wearied not, helping as best he could with heart and hand to comfort and soothe the sorrows and the afflictions of his fellowman.

He was abundant in his labors and heroic in his sacrifice, magnanimous in his charity and generous to a fault, till even in the final count when his over…(page is torn)…

Relief to the suffering he was doomed to bear. Association with him 14 years and knowing him in the fullness and completeness of his character as perha0ps none other knew quite so well, I can add my testimony that his life was without reproach and his character without a stain.

Pure in thought and pure in deed, the memory of him will ever be like the aroma of some sweet flower or the gentle smile of a tender child.

I shall sadly miss him and so will you, but let us hope with an unbroken faith that God has called him unto his own and upon his head has placed a worthy and royal crown.

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