
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Vote for State Amendment To Keep Schools Open Six Months, 1918

“Six Months School Term,” from the editorial page of The Alamance Gleaner, Oct. 31, 1918

A constitutional amendment is to be voted on next Tuesday to provide a six months school in every school district in North Carolina.

Both political parties endorse longer school terms in their platforms.

The Democrat State Convention in Raleigh said:

“Education was never more necessary than in this time of jeopardized civilization for preparation of our children for the larger responsibilities and duties, for the fiercer competition for the harder tasks of reconstruction and readjustment that are sure to follow this world-wide war, and for preservation of all that our boys at the front and their Allies are fighting and dying to win.

“that the Democratic Party renews its pledge to the fullest support of the public schools, pledges its support to the constitutional amendment for a six months school term, and calls upon all patriotic citizens of the State irrespective of party affiliation to vote for this amendment as a patriotic duty to the present and future generations of North Carolina children.”
The Republican State Convention in Greensboro said:

“The advantages of education were never more necessary than now in the preparation of the youth of our country for the larger duties and responsibilities and the fierce competition in all the activities of life that are sure to follow this world-wide war. The Republican Party of North Carolina, therefore, heartily favors the amendment to the constitution of this State securing a six months school term in every school district of the State.”

The advantages that will flow from a longer school term cannot be estimated. It means greater opportunities for the children because of better education and fitness for filling more responsible positions. It will mean better teachers because longer terms will insure better pay and attract more competent teachers.

Every one should vote “For Six Months School Term” and help put the Old North State in the class she deserves to occupy.

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