
Thursday, November 22, 2018

14 Winston-Salem Rioters Sent to Court, Nov. 22, 1918

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Thursday, Nov. 22, 1918

14 Rioters Sent to Court. . . Governor May Call Special Term of Court to Try them on Causing Mob Violence

Winston-Salem, Nov. 22—The preliminary investigation of those participating in the disorder here Sunday evening, when a mob attempted to take Russell High, colored, from the city lockup, began in the municipal court this morning and lasted all day. Solicitor Graves was in charge of the investigation. All of the parties arraigned 14 in number, were bound over to Superior Court, their bonds being fixed at $3,500 each. Gov. Bickett will be asked to call a special term of Superior court to try these cases.

Riley Donald, charged with the larceny of a gun from the Brown-Rogers hardware store during the trouble was given a term of 18 months on the county roads.

Levi Halston, a colored boy 16 years old, was found guilty of stealing a knife, watch, bracelets and other things from the Southern Loan office, and he was sentenced to the reformatory.

Robert Hood, for the same offense, was sentenced to the roads for 18 months.

Frank Little, a white man charged with entering the hardware store of Tucker & Ward and forcing Mr. Tucker to give up a gun Sunday evening, was held for the higher court on a bond of $100.

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