
Monday, November 19, 2018

Bobbie Moore and Leroy Cousins Both In Portsmouth, England, Hospitals, According to Red Cross, 1918

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Nov. 18, 1918.

Gunshot Wound in His Head

The following shows that our Bobbie Moore has a wound in his head:

My Dear Mrs. Moore:--We have been advised that your son, Corporal R.A. Moore, company K, 119th Infantry, was admitted to the U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 33 at Portsmouth, England, on Oct. 2nd, with a gunshot wound to the head.
Although his wound was a severe one, our representative at the hospital reported your son to be getting along nicely when he sent in his last report October 15th.

We want to assure you that everything possible has been done to make Corporal Moore comfortable and contented while in the hospital, and we hope to have further good news to send to you at an early date.

Sincerely yours,
W.R. Castle Jr.
From Red Cross, Washington

Private Cousins Wounded in Leg

The following letter shows that Leroy Cousins, son of Mr. M.T. Cousins of this city, is wounded in the leg:

My Dear Mr. Cousins:--We have been asked to advise you that your son, Private Leroy Cousins, is in the 5th Southern General Hospital at Fawcett Rd., Portsmouth, England.

Our report, dated Oct. 18th, reads that he has a severe gun shot wound in the right leg. At that time he was not feeling any too well.

We hope that you may have heard by this time directly from him.

With our best wishes for your boy.

Very sincerely,
W.R. Castle Jr.
From Red Cross, Washington

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