
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fire Alarm, Fire and Church Bells, Court House Bell, Plant Whistle Wake Wilson Folk to the Good News, Nov. 11, 1918

From the Daily Times, Wilson, N.C, Nov. 11, 1918

The war is over and the armistice was signed at midnight Paris time and hostilities will be concluded at six o’clock this morning. This was the announcement made by the State Department at 2:30 this morning and by 3:30 the Associated Press had it on the wires and in Wilson.

The Editor of the Times called Captain Murray of the fire department, who turned in the alarm and the big fire bell was soon clanging the good news that there was peace on earth and let us home there will soon be good will to men.

The call to the electric light station was made and then the big whistle at the plant announced it to the people of Wilson and the county, for the siren can be heard to all parts of the county.

The court house bell was rung and soon the church bells rang out. The fire department had the big truck on the streets and going over the city giving out the good news.

Soon everybody was out and the Times force preparing to get out a special for its readers.

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