
Friday, November 30, 2018

James Watts Jr. Writes Martin County Friends From France, 1918

“Letter From France” printed in The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Nov. 29, 1918

Am. E.F. France
October 26th, 1918
Dear Editor:

Trusting that you will find a small corner in the “good old Enterprise” for the following message to my friends:


How very very much I would like to write to each of you and tell each personally how much I appreciate your thoughts of one who is quite a far way from you. But should I undertake such a task (for task it would be as I have so many who are my friends in old Martin County), I am afraid that I would not have time for any other duties.

You will please take this message, each one of you, as a personal letter from me and know that although I have not written to you, I am constantly thinking of all and I am only waiting for that glorious day when I shall be back with you once again.

Since leaving the States July 23rd, 1917, I have had many varied experiences, which would interest all to a certain extent. I am sure but especially those who know something about the aviation game. Some day I hope to be able to relate them to you.

I am very glad to be able to say that I am well, happy and getting along very well in every respect. The only think I would have you do to give me more pleasure is for each one of you to write me a long letter telling me all the news. Do not think that you do not know anything to tell me for I would be so very interested in anything at all. For instance, how did the crops turn out? Were the prices good? Improvements going on? And Oh! Just ANYTHING. Remember that I have almost forgot that there is a place which looks like a real American Town. These French Villages are so different.

Sincerely yours,
James W. Watts Jr.
1st. Lt. A.S., U.S.A.
Am. E.F.

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