
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

More Letters from France in Laurinburg Exchange, Nov. 7, 1918

Letters From France in The Laurinburg Exchange, Nov. 7, 1918

Private Walters Says Germans are Running and War Will Soon Be Over

Somewhere in France
October 3, 1918
Mrs. Mary C. Walters, Laurinburg, N.C.

Dear Mother: I will write you a few lines to let you hear from me. I am well and getting along just fine. I wish I could see you all, but I am busy pushing the Germans. We don’t give them time to eat a square meal. They are on the move and we are going to keep them on it. I would be very glad to get a copy of The Laurinburg Exchange to read when I get a rest.

I guess the boys are anxious to come to France. You tell them all to hurry up and come on over, or the war will be over and they will miss the fun. We have lots of fun over here. We get plenty of light wines and beer and Uncle Sam gives us plenty of smoking tobacco, and what more do we want?
Any time the Germans think we can’t fight the, they can try us. By the way, can you tell me where Fred Stone is? I would like to hear from him. I miss him very much, but I get on just the same. I met two boys from Maxton over here: Sgt. Hubert Stead and Duncan Shaw. They are in my old Company. I sure was glad to see some one from Carolina, you bet. I wish I could write a letter to all my friends but I haven’t got time.

I will send you a copy of the paper we get over here. It is printed in Paris and it gives us all the news. Well, I will close.
Your loving son,
Private Eldridge Walters
Company C, 318 Field Signal Bn.
American Ex. Forces

E.A. Russell Wounded in France

                American Red Cross Base Hospital No. 54, Ward A3
                October 7, 1918
                Mrs. K.C. Russell, Laurinburg, N.C.

Dear Mother: I am now in hospital having received a slight wound on October 4, which does not amount to very much at present, or at least, I do not expect to be here but a week or two. My wound is in the left hip and was caused by high explosive shell fire. Other than this I am as well as I ever was.

I wrote J.L. to come to see me. I have told him where I am. I expect him soon. I will write again soon. With love to all, Your loving son,
                E.A. Russell
                Company T, 18th Infantry
                American Ex. Forces

                October 12, 1918
Dear Mother: Again I write telling that I am getting along fine and getting the best of treatment that can be had. My wound is a very ugly one but not nearly as bad as it could be. I may have to be here for two or three weeks more, but that is not so long after all. I have wired J.L. to come. I look for him most any time now. I will have him wire you each week. We are giving the Boche all the H---- that they deserve at present and I hope that they get enough before 1919 so that we may be able to see home again and stay there. I will write a few lines each day or so and let your know how I feel.

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