
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Report on Flu in Hickory Includes Deaths of N.W. Eckard, Sylvanus Hollar, Nov. 18, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 18, 1918

The flu situation is reported as some better. Sergeant Sigmon who is in charge since the chief has been ill with the disease, said today that the last few days had been better than the preceding days. Cases reported recently are Mr. John H.P. Cilley, Professor Rinehardt, Mr. Ira Williams and Mr. E.O. Lail, the latter of Highland.

The churches and Sunday schools were open yesterday for the first time in five weeks and praise services were held in the churches. The attendance was not as large as usual, many people remaining at home on account of the flu.

Prof. C.E. Reinhardt, principal of the North school, is ill with the flu and the seventh grade which he teaches was dismissed before school opened this morning and the room was thoroughly fumigated. By tomorrow it will be in good shape for the children to return, though there probably was no danger anyway. Mr. Reinhardt, it is thought, will be able to teach by next Monday. The attendance at the schools was much better today than at any time since the flu epidemic.

Newton Wesley Eckard Dead of Flu

Mr. Newton Wesley Eckard, aged 68 years, died at his home in Alexander county following an attack of influenza. The funeral was held todayi from Pisgah church. Mr. Eckard was reared in the Lutheran church, was a splendid farmer and was one of the finest men in this whole section. News of his death in Hickory was cause of much sorrow for here he was well known and his genial, honest nature won him hundreds of friends.

Mr. Eckard is survived by his wife and seven children—Mr. Dallas Eckard of Hickory and Messrs. Rufus, John and David Eckard and Misses Della, Leona and Laura Eckard of Alexander county. Another son, Mr. Robert Eckard, was killed in France while fighting for his country.

Sylvanus Hollar Died of Flu-Pneumonia

Mr. A. Sylvanus Hollar, aged 72 years, died at his home in Longview Sunday morning at 2 o’clock following an illness with influenza and pneumonia. The funeral was held this morning at St. Stephens Lutheran church and was conducted by Rev. C.O. Smith of Conover.

Mr. Hollar moved to Longview several years ago from Lookout, where he had been a large and successful farmer before selling his property to the Southern Power Company. He was active in body and mind and was one of the best citizens of the county, and his death has caused sorrow not only in his old community, but among many friends in Hickory and Longview, where he was well known.

Mr. Hollar is survived by his wife and seven children—Dr. O.L. Hollar of Hickory, Mr. Knox Hollar of Lakeland, Fla., Mr. Walter Hollar of Hickory, Mr. Ralph Hollar and Mrs. John Seay of Asheville, Mrs. John Hoke of Catfish, and Mrs. Alvin Rockett of this county.

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