
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thanksgiving Meeting of All Churches Forbidden in Asheville Because of Flu, Nov. 29, 1918

From the Wilson Daily Times, Nov. 29, 1918

Mass Meeting Called Off on Account of Flu

Asheville, Nov. 28—Because of a sudden flare-up in the “flu” situation, with 32 cases reported for yesterday, the health authorities called off the big mass meeting scheduled for tonight, and also forbade the holding of several dances scheduled to take place in the city tonight. The mass meeting was planned as a union Thanksgiving meeting of all the churches, and an elaborate program had been mapped out but the “flu” revival caused the authorities to act as a matter of precaution. Most of the new cases are in West Asheville. 

The authorities have not stated whether they will prohibit the re-opening of the theatres, scheduled to take place tomorrow morning.

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