
Sunday, December 2, 2018

A Sermon on the Flu Epidemic, December 1, 1918

From the editorial page of Good News, Boomer, N.C., Dec. 1, 1918

A Sermon on the Flu

There have been epidemics of disease before in other parts of the world, and to some extent in this country. But this is by far the worst visitation of disease that America has ever experienced. It has already taken more than twice as many American lives as guns in the Great War.

Now the war is over, and the Flu is going on. It is sweeping the world in waves. For a week or two it will subside, and then another wave will start.

The Flu absolutely refuses to sign an armistice, and don’t show much sign of surrendering to the doctors nor anybody else. It may continue its hostilities for several months yet, and the total death list by the time it stops cannot even be guessed at.

If the people knew how to live right and exercise common sense in diet and sanitation, neither the Flu nor any other disease would be half so bad. But the people don’t know, and are too stubborn to be taught. So they will have to pay for their folly in suffering and death.

Just an epidemic of disease? Certainly. But why must such a thing come? And of all times, why must it come right when the world is starving and bleeding to death? Why must it come at a time when we had trouble enough without it?

The answer is easy. It is one of the “pestilences” that are to come along with the wars and famines at the end of the Age. It is just a part of the accumulating force of the “time of trouble” that started in August, 1914, and will not end till the King comes. But the time is very short. That’s where the “good news” comes in.

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