
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Camp Bragg in Fayetteville Not to Be Abandoned, Dec. 18, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 18, 1918

Fayetteville Camp Not to be Abandoned

By the Associated Press

Washington, Dec. 18—It was stated specifically at the war department today that the abandonment of construction at Camp Bragg, Fayetteville, N.C., involved no abandonment of the camp further than the stopping of proposed extensions.

Announcement by the department that important projects at army camps have been abandoned does not indicate that the camp sites themselves have been abandoned, it was said.

With the cessation of hostilities, necessity for the expansion of existing camps ceased and it is the proposed expansion which is being abandoned. The only decision definitely reached regarding the abandonment of camps is that already announced concerning the so-called tent camps. These all will be given up when demobilization is completed.

It was said at the department where leases have been taken on property adjoining the camps, such leases will not be affected. No further leases will be taken.

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