
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Flu Remains in Wilson, N.C., for Christmas, Dec. 24, 1918

From The Daily Times, Wilson N.C., Dec. 24, 1918

Moving Picture Shows and Public Meetings to Remain Closed

After consulting the individual members of the Board of Health of the city and county of Wilson as to the advisability of raising the bar on moving picture shows and other public meetings, the consensus of opinion is that they remain closed until Monday, Dec. 30, on which date they may be allowed to open if conditions continue to improve.

While the number of new cases of influenza is small, yet there are quite a number of old cases and convalescent cases, which if allowed to attend public meetings, might again spread the disease.

The Board wants to act fair to all and to the best interests of the whole community, therefore they ask hearty co-operation of every one in carrying out the preventive measures now in force.

The following new cases of influenza have been reported to the Health Department yesterday and today:

H.D. Bateman, 2 cases, Gray Street

Mrs. L.K. Edwards, 2 cases, Stantonsburg

Mrs. J.B. Wheeler, 2 cases, Stantonsburg

Oscar Ellis colored, 1 case, Wilson Route No. 6

Mr. B.P. Langley, 2 cases, Wilson Route No. 4.

W.R. Owens, 2 cases, Stantonsburg

Will Cromadie, colored, 1 case, 630 Elbly Street.

--L.J. Smith, Health Officer

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