
Thursday, December 27, 2018

General Lindsey Writes Mrs. Doll About Her Son, Lt. Jacob Doll, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 26, 1918

General Lindsey Writes Mrs. Doll

A Christmas greeting that was appreciated more than fine gold was the letter Mrs. H.M. Doll opened yesterday morning from Brigadier General J.R. Lindsey, 82d division, who wrote on November 1 in regard to her son, Lieut. Jacob V. Doll, with the request that it was not to be opened until Christmas day. The letter follows:

My dear Mrs. Doll:

I cannot neglect the opportunity of sending you want undoubtedly will be your most appreciated Christmas greetings—viz—confirmation of the fact that Jake has made good in battle, the one point in a soldier’s life that cannot be definitely settled until proven in action. Your boy has decidedly made good and I know that it will touch a mother’s heart to know it. His loyalty and devotion to me, his considerateness of everybody, his innate cheerfulness have all had their influence in making my staff reliable and efficient.

Though a personal aide, his work has been largely detached from personal service. He has originated and developed ways and means in military affairs that have attracted the attention of the higher command; in fact I owe much to him for what success has been achieved by my brigade.

Very sincerely,
J.R. Lindsey, Brig.-Gen.

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