
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hertford County Agent W.E. Gaither's Wishes for a Successful New Year

From the Hertford County Herald, Dec. 27, 1918

Holiday Greetings from County Farm Demonstration Agent

To the farmers and others who have supported the work of your County Farm Demonstration Agent during the past year and assisted him so well in making his work a success.

He takes this means of expressing his keen appreciation of the work of the farmers, Boys’ and Girls’ Club Members and the banks of the County in their efforts to increase the food production, the sale of War Savings Stamps, Liberty Bonds, Red Cross funds and the many other things done to contribute something toward winning the war.

This great task has been finished. “The World is a decent place to live in,” and we must keep it so.

There is now before us a task that is not spectacular but which will show whether we are sincere. 

That task is to help feed the rest of the world.

Hoping that your County Agent will be able to help you in this work and continue to receive the hearty support that he has received this year, he extends to everyone a sincere wish for a prosperous and happy New Year.

--W.E. Gaither, County Agent

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