
Friday, December 7, 2018

Home Folks Coordinate With Red Cross to Make Items Needed by Soldiers in Hospitals, 1918

From the Roanoke Rapids Herald, Dec. 6, 1918

Red Cross Contributions

Articles shipped by Roanoke Rapids Branch, Halifax County Chapter from the time it was organized to Nov. 29, 1918, by Mrs. C.A. Wyche.

Nov. 1917--24 bed shirts, 24 C. robes, 24 pajamas, 24 wraps.

Feb. 1918--40 bed shirts, 15 C. robes, 30 pajamas.

April 1918—20 C. robes, 50 pajamas.

May 1918—280 bed shirts.

June 1918—90 pajamas.

July 1918—303 bed shirts.

Nov. 1918—148 bed shirts, 148 pajamas.

Total—795 bed shirts, 59 C. robes, 342 pajamas, 24 wraps.

Sept.—13 pair socks, 35 sweaters.

Oct.—37 sheets, 64 B. towels, 130 H. towels, 8 napkins, 101 handkerchiefs.

There will be a very important meeting of the Red Cross next Monday, Dec. 9th, to arrange for the Christmas Drive. This can not be done by a handful of members, so please help by coming to this meeting.

It is urgently requested that all who have knitted and sewn hospital garments turn them in at once. The shipment can’t be made until it is done. [Local units were given quotas based on military hospital needs.]

The Red Cross Society held its regular monthly meeting at headquarters Monday afternoon. In the absence of the president and vice president Mrs. C.A. Wyche presided. The Christmas Roll Call Campaign for new members was discussed and Rev. Stanley White was appointed chairman of the Campaign with Rev. Lewis N. Taylor as chairman of Publicity Committee, Messrs. C.A. Wyche and T.W. Mullen were appointed Cashiers for the Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary, respectively.

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