
Monday, December 24, 2018

Meaningful Christmas This Year, Dec. 24, 1918

From the editorial page of The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1918


Never was there a time since the birth of Christ when Christmas should be celebrated by all men in the true spirt of the season as now. For the first time in five years, hundreds of thousands of guns along the battle front of hundreds of miles are silent and cease to spit leaden death. And now upon this the natal day of Our Lord there is “Peace on earth and good will toward men.”

The Armies of Right have overcome the forces of Darkness and scattered them. The representatives of the Nations of the world are now gathering at Versailles where a “League of Nations” will be perfected which shall make it impossible for a nation to put to naught these words of peace on earth. And the words of the prophet, “And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nations shall not life up a sword against nations, neither shall they learn war any more,” seems about to be fulfilled.

Thinking on these things does not the word “Christmas” have a deeper meaning to us than ever before? Let us celebrate it accordingly.

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