
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Military, Influenza News From Hickory, Dec. 19, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 19, 1918

Local and Personal

Another glorious day was this. Last year this time we were wading through snow.

Mrs. E.L. Shuford is out after being ill for some time with flu.

Mr. Hilton Shuford is at home from his naval unit at Chapel Hill for the holidays.

Mrs. Matt Ransom is critically ill with the flu at the Huffry hotel. Her sons, Messers. George and Joe Ransom from Weldon, were with her.

A letter has been received from Lieutenant Albert S. Lutz, medical department U.S. army, in which he states that he is getting along fine but has lots to do. He thinks he will have quite a while to stay in France yet as he has been transferred to the chief surgeon’s headquarters which is likely to remain until all the forces are brought home.

The flu situation is improving at Granite Falls and in a few days everything is expected to be normal. The town of Granite Falls did not suffer much from the epidemic, but the Granite Falls Manufacturing Company, on Gunpowder creek, had to close down. The employes are getting along well and many of them will be able to return to work in a few days.

Under date of November 27 Private Clyde J. Pope writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Pope, that he and his Bunkie are occupying a real feather bed which sinks about three feet when they place their bodies on it. The first night the bed was so strange that they couldn’t sleep until they went out and gathered up a sack of bricks and put them in the bed to make it feel like old times. He doesn’t care how long the company occupies that place. The 30th division has been on the move, part of the time traveling by train, and now the boys are far from where they did their fighting with the British.
Lieut. Albert S. Lutz writes his brother, Mr. H.C. Lutz, that he has been transferred to the chief surgeon’s headquarters and probably will not be able to return home until the last of the soldiers leave.

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