
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Register at Next Semester at University of North Carolina Jan. 2, 1919

From The University of North Carolina News Letter, Dec. 25, 1918

Register at Once

The Students’ Army Training Corps has been disbanded and the University of North Carolina will return to a pre-war basis after the Christmas holidays. The work for the remainder of this college year will be divided into two quarters, and the schedule of courses will be so arranged that a student may begin at the opening of the winter quarter and pursue courses as complete units during these quarters. 

Many courses hitherto three hours per week will be offered for five or six hours per week, so that full instruction in these subjects may be assured. By this arrangement it will be possible for old students to continue their college work at the point at which they left it. No advantage will be gained by waiting until the opening of another college year. From the standpoint of academic credit, courses will count for the two quarters and in the same proportion as in the past. New students, who are prepared for entrance to college, may register and complete two-thirds of their year’s work instead of one-half as formerly.

Rooms for the ‘Winter and Spring terms may be reserved at the Treasurer’s office by signing room contract and making initial payment of $50 on room rent by each intending occupant.

The fees for the Winter or Spring term are as follows:

Tuition, $20
Registration fee, $10
Total per term, $30

Tuition, $20
Registration fee, $10
Total per term, $30

Tuition, $25
Registration fee, $10
Total per term, $35

Tuition, $25
Registration fee
Total per term, $10

A damage fee of $2 will be collected from each registrant who has not already paid this fee for this year. Laboratory fees in each department will approximate for each quarter one-third of the total for 1917-18. Board at Swain Hall is $17 per month.

A preliminary investigation by the Director of the Students’ Army Training corps revealed the fact that approximately one-third of the student soldiers in the Southeastern District were dependent upon the pay of the Government for their opportunity for collegiate training. The University of North Carolina will do all in its power to aid such men through its Self-Help Committee and its loan funds. Application for self-help should be made to Dr. J.M. Bell, Chairman of the Self-Help Committee, and requests for loans should be filed with Prof. M.H. Stacy, Chairman of the Faculty.

Winter Quarter: Registration January 2 and 3, 1919; lectures begin on January 4.

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