
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Rockingham High School Remembers Herbert Andrews, 1918

From The Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 5, 1918.

In Memory of Herbert Andrews

At the conclusion of our program today (Nov. 29th) it seems fitting that a word of appreciation be said in memory of Herbert Andrews whose death brought sadness to the hearts of all who knew him. For a moment I would like to recall some of the things that made him dear to all his friends and worth while to the Woodrow Wilson Literary Society of the Rockingham High School.

Herbert was always willing to help in every way he could whether in school or on the outside. And his willingness helped to elevate the Society’s standard and to make the High School better. Especially will he be missed by the debaters who put so much dependence in his good work. And then, too, I know he will be missed by the High School teachers because he was a help to them and in fact to every one that knew him. But most of all he will be missed by the boys and girls of the High School. As a friend to them he was ever loyal and looked on the bright side of everything, thus spreading sunshine wherever he was.

He made trouble lighter and profited by the mistakes of others.

He was a worker, too. He made rapid progress in school, making the highest average in several grades. His own hard work accomplished this, as he was independent, did his work well as he came to it, and never worried about the following lesson.

Herbert loved this society very much and always looked forward to its meeting. He did much to build it up both as a member and as an officer.

Surely his life was well spent and with such prospects for the future that existed in Herbert it’s hard for us to understand. But God knew best.

Such traits as these are what makes life worth while and these are the reasons that Herbert’s influence will live on and make his memory a blessing

Willie Williams
10th grade

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