
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Some N.C. Communities Find Revival of Influenza, Dec. 5, 1918

From The Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 5, 1918

Influenza Spreading?

There appears to be a revival of influenza in various parts of the county.

There are nearly 40 cases at Roberdel No. 2.

We understand the following have it in Rockingham: Robert Shepard, Mrs. Frank Terry and child, Henry Steele, George Williams, Claude Williams, Jesse Williams and wife, Chas. Thomas, John Watts. Mr. Watts is quite sick at Mr. J.D. Cameron, whither he and his wife came Thanksgiving Day from Cheraw; pneumonia developed Tuesday, his temperature today being 104.

The county Board of Health met this morning and put a ban on a carnival that was trying to come here week after next. The Board also urged every physician to placard and quarantine rigidly every home in which a case of flu appears. An order from the Board appears below.

Public Health Notice
The Board of Health of Richmond county earnestly calls upon the citizenship to refrain from gathering in crowds; and we ask that you observe all precautions to the end that the influenza may not assume the proportions of an epidemic again.

The malady is appearing again in many portions of the county, and our people must be careful lest its ravages become serious.
    --B.F. Reynolds, Chairman of Board of Health

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