
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Walter K. Barefoot, 28, of Dunn, Killed in France, 1918

From The Dunn Dispatch, Dec. 12, 1918

Walter K. Barefoot Killed in France

The following message was received this week by Moses W. Barefoot confirming the report that his son, Walter K. Barefoot, had died from wounds received while fighting in France:

Washington, Dec. 7
Mr. Moses W. Barefoot
Dunn, N.C.

It is with profound regret that I confirm the recent telegram of the Adjutant General announcing the death of Corporal Walter K. Barefoot, had died Oct. 12, 1918, from wounds received in action.
For more information and details concerning his death you should write to Bureau of Communications, American Red Cross, Washington, D.C.

Adjutant General

Walter K. Barefoot was 28 years old and had been in the service for about a year. He was a son of Moses W. Barefoot and was born and reared on a farm near Dunn. He was well known in Dunn, apparently, one of the home boys, and will be mourned by the town as a whole. He was a genteel young man and was popular with all who came in contact with him. He answered the call of his country and is one of the few who was left behind and sleeps in Flanders field. He was in the most terrific of the fighting, having first entered the trenches the 6th of last June. He made the supreme sacrifice during the last days of fighting, and while he will not return, the memory of his brave fighting will linger with us always.

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