
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Winthrop Ward Is Second Weldon Man to Pay the Great Price in War, 1918

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Dec. 19, 1918

Winthrop Ward Paid The Great Price

In the casualty list of December 13th was the name of Winthrop Ward of Weldon, who was killed in action sometime in October last. He entered the army from Chicago and was sent overseas early in the spring and is the second man from Weldon to pay the great price in the last war.

About the year 1870, Drewry and Ellen Stith, two highly respected colored people who were the grand parents of this young man, came to Weldon, became identified with the interests of this town and lived here until their death. Drewry opened a first-class barber shop in the hotel then owned by Maj. T.L. Emry and by his polite and efficient attention soon won a large patronage and his early death was much regretted. After his death, his wife, who had been reared in the family of a prominent physician, who had given her many practical lessons in elementary nursing, became a very proficient and faithful ladies’ nurse, and almost died at her post in caring for a prominent lady of our town. 

His mother, the daughter of these people, still lives in Weldon and her white friends sympathize with her in the death of her son in far away France.

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