
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Army Nurse Corps News at Camp Greene, Jan. 18, 1919

From The Caduceus, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 18, 1919

Army Nurse Corps News Collected by Miss Elizabeth P. Uzelmeier

Letters from the girls who have recently been transferred from here to other hospital are filled with enthusiasm for the work and life at Camp Greene, which they with deep regret had to leave. Most of all they miss our cheery dining room and well-cooked meals and the general atmosphere of “home” which pervades our quarters. The lack of recreational facilities such as have been provided here has also been keenly felt. We who have been fortunate enough to remain greatly appreciate the sentiment which has been expressed, for the day will come when to us, also, our work and stay here will be but a pleasant memory.


Illness in her immediate family has caused Miss Ruth Grimes of Derby, Iowa, to return to her home. She will not return to continue her course as a student nurse.

Miss Pauline Doherty, student nurse, was suddenly called to her home in Flint, Mich., on account of the illness of her sister, leaving this hospital January 13. She does not expect to return.

Miss Emma Schimmelman, R.N., A.N.C. left for her home in Evansville, Ind., January 15, having received her discharge orders.

Successful Operation

Miss Sarah Hall of Brookline, Mass., student nurse, was operated upon on Wednesday afternoon. The operation was very successful, and Miss Hall is improving rapidly.

Miss Her Now

The nurses in the “A” street quarters face a bleak breakfastless future. No more at 6 a.m. will we hear the cheery call, “Time to get up, girls! ---Pete!” It is with sincere regret we lose our faithful bugler, Miss Schimmelman, who returned to civilian life this week.


Mrs. Cressman is sivising her daughter, Katherine Cressman, one of the student nurses.

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