
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Charles Martin, Base Hospital "Y," Bids Farewell, Jan. 18, 1919

From The Caduceus, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 18, 1919

Farewell from Chas. H. Martin

After almost a year in Camp Greene, I am now taking my leave. I have spent almost 10 months of that time at the Base Hospital “Y,” as Building Secretary, and during this time I have had many new experiences and have made many new friends. The officers—both those who have come and gone and those who have remained—are noble men, kind and faithful; the nurses have rendered such faithful service to Uncle Sam; the enlisted men, so faithful and true have stood their posts in the darkness of night and guarded us while we slept—all these are noble men and women. Doubtless they will have a great reward in the future—they deserve it.

The Caduceus during its existence here at camp, with its many good stories and news items about the camp and the life at camp, has done a wonderful and noble work for the boys here and the folks back home who have scanned its pages for some bit of news of their son here in training. May the editors live long and prosperous lives.

May the blessings of our Heavenly Father abide on all,
Chas. H. Martin

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