
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Cpl. Grover Edwards Glad War's Over, Will Be Gladder Still to be Home Again, 1919

From The Wilson Times, Jan. 7, 1919

Letter From Cpl. Grover Edwards

Nov. 16, 1918
Dear Father and All:

Well it has been quite a while since I wrote to you all before, so I will start again. The last letter I received from you all was the one Mamma wrote Oct. 17. Sure was glad to know you all were well at that time and hope this letter will reach you all the same.

I am well now and enjoying life very well. Hope you all have not suffered any with that disease, Spanish influenza. There have been a few cases of it over here recently, but I don’t think it is very contagious now.

Well, papa, I guess you hear about the big drive that the great war ended with didn’t you? Well I was one among them that went through safely.

I went over the top twice on that drive and I am thankful that I got through all o.k. so now I don’t think it will be very long before we will be on our way back home, if nothing happens. Believe me, I don’t care just how soon the old ship lands in the U.S.A. Any way I think I can be with you all by next spring or sooner.

Just imagine how I felt when the last gun was fired within hearing distance. Oh, what a happy time to the ones that was left to hear it.

Well, guess I have wrote just about enough for this time.

The weather is very cold over here now. It is now about night and the ground has been frozen all day. So you see it is a very cold Saturday with us.

Please answer soon,
Your loving son,
Cpl. Grover W. Edwards, U.S.A. P.O. 791

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