
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Flu Under Control at Fruitland Institute, Jan. 30, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Jan. 30, 1919

Influenza Under Good Control at Fruitland

An outbreak of influenza at Fruitland Institute about the 15th of the month seemed to hold alarming possibilities but fortunately died out almost entirely. Thirty-eight pupils were attack by this disease, which however proved in every case to be of a very mild type and no complications. School work was suspended four days last week, but the sufferers have now recovered and the regular routine has been resumed.

The Shakespearean play “Twelfth Night” given at the Institute last week was creditable in every respect and was greatly enjoyed by the students and faculty, although owing to the condition of semi-quarantine then existing it was impossible to extend invitations to outside folks has had been planned.

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