
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Lanning, Morris, Gibbs, Garren, Anders, Rau, Wilkins, Blackwell Deaths in French Broad Hustler, Jan. 30, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Jan. 30, 1919


Death of Roy Lanning

Roy Lanning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Lanning, died of double pneumonia last Thursday, Jan. 24. The interment was at the Lanning graveyard near Fruitland on Friday.

Death of Frank Morris

Shortly before going to press word was received here of the death of Frank Morris, who had been ill for a long period, death occurring yesterday morning at Fairview Cottage, Asheville. The deceased was 30 years of age and leave surviving him his mother and brothers and sisters who are widely known in the town and county.

The funeral services will be held at 3:30 this afternoon at the home of his mother on Fifth Avenue, and interment will be in Oakdale Cemetery.

Mr. Morris had been an invalid for a long time; ill health forcing him to give up work in Cincinnati to come further South, and finally making it necessary for him to cease work entirely and enter a sanatorium in the hope of being benefited. He was formerly clerk at the New Charleston Hotel, Charleston, going from there to Mobile, thence to Cincinnati, and from there to Asheville, where he was employed at the Swannanoa-Berkley until he was forced to cease work. Shortness of time prohibits in this issue fitting sketch of Mr. Morris’ life, which will appear in next week’s paper.

Walter Gibbs

Walter Gibbs, about 20 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gibbs, died from catching hold of a life wire last Thursday, Jan. 24. About a year ago, lightning struck the post on which this electric wire was fastened and the wire was left suspended several feet above the ground. Mr. Gibbs and a friend were out on the hills near L.E. Rackley’s on the Willow road and for some unknown reason he jumped up and caught this wire which held him there until the companion could go to a neighbor’s for assistance.

Funeral of J.R. Garren

The funeral of the late John R. Garren, who died at the Merriwether hospital Wednesday night of influenza, was held at Liberty church Sunday morning.
The deceased is survived by his wife, his mother, a brother and a sister. He was 32 years of age and had been working for the firm of J.R. Rich and Company of Asheville for many years, being one of their most trusted employees.

Melvin Anders

Melvin Anders, son of Tom Anders on Shaw’s Creek road, died of influenza Thursday, Jan. 24. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Morris and the body was laid to rest at Shaw’s Creek Church on Friday. He is survived by his father, three sisters and three brothers.

Death of Samuel Rau

Samuel Rau, aged about 75, was found dead in bed at his home out on the “Ridge” early Monday morning. The deceased, who was a former resident of Hendersonville, had been twice married, several children of the first marriage surviving, but none of them living in this county.

Death of Mrs. John T. Wilkins

A long period of illness and suffering closed Tuesday morning when death came to Mrs. John T. Wilkins at a local sanitarium. The deceased, who was 24 years of age, was married four years ago, and prior to marriage was Miss Olive French Eury, and was a trained nurse being a graduate of the Mission Hospital, Asheville. Funeral services were conducted by Dr. E.E. Bomar yesterday at the grave in Oakdale Cemetery, all of the pallbearers being Masons, but no Masonic ceremonial being used. The sympathy of the community will go out in full measure to the bereaved husband and to the little girl baby left motherless, and to the little stepchildren for whom she had so well taken the place of mother.

Galileo Blackwell
Galileo Blackwell died of pneumonia Friday, Jan. 24. He was buried at Dana on Sunday. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A.W. Farnum. Mr. Blackwell is survived by his wife, one child, and his mother.

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