
Friday, January 11, 2019

N.C. Soldiers from Famous 30th Division to Sail for Home End of Month, Jan. 11, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 11, 1919

North Carolina Troops Soon to Return

Hickory relatives of soldiers in the 30th division will be interested in the announcement that North Carolina troops probably will sail from France between January 20 and 25. A special from France to a Philadelphia paper recently gave the 20th as the date for the sailing, and this is confirmed by an announcement from Washington in the special correspondence of H.E.C. Bryant.

Mr. Bryant says the men probably will land at Hoboken, N.J., and there remain for a week before being sent to a southern camp to be mustered out. That will enable them to reach home about the first of March. The soldiers, it is believed, will be given furloughs and if they should be transferred to a southern camp for muster out, many of them will spend short leaves with relatives.

Since General Haig, the British commander, stated in his official report that the 30th division was the first to break the Hindenburg line, interest in these veterans has increased. Their friends knew they had the goods, but it is so much finer for the British commander-in-chief to declare the fact.

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