
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

On the Whole, Hendersonville Holidays Were Peaceful, Jan. 2, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 2, 1918

Nothing Spoils the Holidays

The Christmas holidays passed off in Hendersonville with an almost complete absence of disorder. A couple of Uncle Sam’s soldiers spending the day here absorbed a trifle more than the prescribed quantity of “blockade” and were allowed to cool off for an hour or two in the shady precincts of the City Hall, and then went their way rejoicing, grateful that no severer penalty had been exacted for their small celebration. One or two local celebrities, white and colored, enriched the city treasury by small fines, but on the whole it was probably the most orderly and undisturbed Holiday season Hendersonville has yet achieved. For which thanks are rendered by all the good citizens, and especially by the city authorities.

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